No. | Name | In Character? |
001 | Bulbasaur | No |
002 | Ivysaur | No |
003 | Venusaur | Yes! |
004 | Charmander | No |
005 | Charmeleon | Yes! |
006 | Charizard | No |
007 | Squirtle | Yes! |
008 | Wartortle | Yes! |
009 | Blastoise | No |
010 | Caterpie | No |
011 | Metapod | Yes! |
012 | Butterfree | No |
013 | Weedle | No |
014 | Kakuna | No |
015 | Beedrill | Yes! |
016 | Pidgey | Yes! |
017 | Pidgeotto | No |
018 | Pidgeot | No |
019 | Rattata | No |
020 | Raticate | Yes! |
021 | Spearow | No |
022 | Fearow | Yes! |
023 | Ekans | No |
024 | Arbok | No |
025 | Pikachu | No |
026 | Raichu | No |
027 | Sandshrew | No |
028 | Sandslash | Yes! |
029 | Nidoran | - |
030 | Nidorina | Yes! |
031 | Nidoqueen | Yes! |
032 | Nidoran | - |
033 | Nidorino | No |
034 | Nidoking | Yes! |
035 | Clefairy | No |
036 | Clefable | No |
037 | Vulpix | No |
038 | Ninetales | No |
039 | Jigglypuff | No |
040 | Wigglytuff | No |
041 | Zubat | No |
042 | Golbat | Yes! |
043 | Oddish | No |
044 | Gloom | No |
045 | Vileplume | No |
046 | Paras | No |
047 | Parasect | No |
048 | Venonat | Yes! |
049 | Venomoth | Yes! |
050 | Diglett | No |
051 | Dugtrio | Yes! |
052 | Meowth | No |
053 | Persian | No |
054 | Psyduck | No |
055 | Golduck | No |
056 | Mankey | Yes! |
057 | Primeape | Yes! |
058 | Growlithe | Yes! |
059 | Arcanine | No |
060 | Poliwag | Yes! |
061 | Poliwhirl | No |
062 | Poliwrath | No |
063 | Abra | No |
064 | Kadabra | No |
065 | Alakazam | No |
066 | Machop | No |
067 | Machoke | Yes! |
068 | Machamp | No |
069 | Bellsprout | No |
070 | Weepinbell | Yes! |
071 | Victreebel | Yes! |
072 | Tentacool | No |
073 | Tentacruel | Yes! |
074 | Geodude | No |
075 | Graveler | Yes! |
076 | Golem | No |
077 | Ponyta | No |
078 | Rapidash | No |
079 | Slowpoke | No |
080 | Slowbro | Yes! |
081 | Magnemite | No |
082 | Magneton | Yes! |
083 | Farfetch'd | Yes! |
084 | Doduo | Yes! |
085 | Dodrio | No |
086 | Seel | No |
087 | Dewgong | Yes! |
088 | Grimer | No |
089 | Muk | No |
090 | Shellder | Yes! |
091 | Cloyster | Yes! |
092 | Gastly | No |
093 | Haunter | No |
094 | Gengar | No |
095 | Onix | No |
096 | Drowzee | Yes! |
097 | Hypno | No |
098 | Krabby | No |
099 | Kingler | No |
100 | Voltorb | No |
101 | Electrode | No |
102 | Exeggcute | No |
103 | Exeggutor | No |
104 | Cubone | No |
105 | Marowak | No |
106 | Hitmonlee | Suspended! |
107 | Hitmonchan | Yes! |
108 | Lickitung | No |
109 | Koffing | Yes! |
110 | Weezing | No |
111 | Rhyhorn | No |
112 | Rhydon | Yes! |
113 | Chansey | No |
114 | Tangela | No |
115 | Kangaskhan | No |
116 | Horsea | No |
117 | Seadra | No |
118 | Goldeen | No |
119 | Seaking | No |
120 | Staryu | No |
121 | Starmie | No |
122 | Mr. Mime | Yes! |
123 | Scyther | No |
124 | Jynx | No |
125 | Electabuzz | No |
126 | Magmar | Yes! |
127 | Pinsir | Yes! |
128 | Tauros | No |
129 | Magikarp | No |
130 | Gyarados | Yes! |
131 | Lapras | No |
132 | Ditto | No |
133 | Eevee | No |
134 | Vaporeon | No |
135 | Jolteon | No |
136 | Flareon | No |
137 | Porygon | No |
138 | Omanyte | Yes! |
139 | Omastar | Yes! |
140 | Kabuto | No |
141 | Kabutops | Yes! |
142 | Aerodactyl | Yes! | 143 | Snorlax | Yes! |
144 | Articuno | No |
145 | Zapdos | No |
146 | Moltres | Yes! |
147 | Dratini | Yes! |
148 | Dragonair | No |
149 | Dragonite | No |
150 | Mewtwo | No |
151 | Mew | No |
No. | Name |
000 | Missingno. |
000 | Missingno. |
001 | Bulbasaur |
004 | Charmander |
009 | Blastoise |
029 | Nidoran (F) |
065 | Alakazam |
068 | Machamp |
092 | Gastly |
104 | Cubone |
119 | Seaking |
149 | Dragonite |
150 | Mewtwo |
157 | Typhlosion |
160 | Feraligatr |
161 | Sentret |
168 | Ariados |
172 | Pichu |
173 | Cleffa |
174 | Igglybuff |
176 | Togetic |
183 | Marill |
184 | Azumarill |
190 | Aipom |
194 | Wooper |
195 | Quagsire |
197 | Umbreon |
198 | Murkrow |
207 | Gligar |
208 | Steelix |
212 | Scizor |
212 | Scizor |
213 | Shuckle |
226 | Mantine |
233 | Porygon2 |
235 | Smeargle |
242 | Blissey |
263 | Zigzagoon |
272 | Ludicolo |
280 | Ralts |
282 | Gardevoir |
287 | Slakoth |
289 | Slaking |
292 | Shedinja |
320 | Whiscash |
324 | Torkoal |
335 | Zangoose |
340 | Wailmer |
350 | Milotic |
357 | Tropius |
363 | Spheal |
372 | Shelgon |
389 | Torterra |
393 | Piplup |
407 | Roserade |
428 | Lopunny |
429 | Mismagius |
432 | Purugly |
435 | Skuntank |
445 | Garchomp |
448 | Lucario |
452 | Drapion |
454 | Toxicroak |
458 | Mantyke |
462 | Magnezone |
468 | Togekiss |
474 | Porygon-Z |
475 | Gallade |
478 | Froslass |
483 | Dialga |
485 | Heatran |
493 | Arceus |
Name |
Officer Jenny |
Officer Jenny |
Officer Jenny |
Youngster Joey |
Ash Ketchum |
Misty Mermaid |
Professor Oak |
Gary Oak |
Pokémon Trainer Red |
Team Rocket |
Lt. Surge |
No. | Name |
007 | Squirtle |
107 | Hitmonchan |
109 | Koffing |
130 | Gyarados |
173 | Cleffa |
372 | Shelgon |
Youngster Joey |
“Classic” represents all 151 original Pokémon names registered at Twitter. The “Expanded” list comprises all the Pokémon on Twitter, regardless of having the correct username, or having been of the original 151. “People” are non-Pokémon characters. “Favorites” are just that — personal favorites. If this paragraph means nothing to you, congratulations.
Unavailable *WHA?* |
In character! *BRAVO* |
Suspended! *BUMMER* |
Because: many people have Pokémon usernames, but very few are in character. This absolutely needs to be addressed. Also, since we created this list, many appeared beyond the original 151. This needs to be documented.
Drop me a line:
This is the work of David Cole, Gabe Mariani, and Chris Eckert. As for the latter question, I really don't know.
Well, Professor Oak was a big help in creating this list. You should see how he's doing.